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Several skin changes during pregnancy

Posted By On 8:19 AM Under ,

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. Its belly and enlarged breasts, gained weight and there it may be changes in the skin. Changes in the skin during pregnancy is usually associated with hormonal changes. Most of the changes in the skin disappear after childbirth, but it may take days, weeks or months.

"here there is a change in the common skin in pregnancy:

Acne." Unfortunately, their days of Acne can be nothing more to "keep your skin clean with a mild cleanser to reduce changes in the skin." "If you try to treat your acne, it is important that you check with your service provider." Some treatments for acne are not recommended during pregnancy.

Pregnancy mask.
" the official name for this condition hloazma or melanodermiĆ¢. " Mask of pregnancy is uneven darkening or yellowing skin on the forehead, temples and top of the cheeks, nose, and Chin. " this is because the estrogen and progesterone. " some women during hormonal therapy, such as the pill, the experience of skin changes. " to minimize dark, try to avoid sun exposure. "

All shines. " learning light is pregnant. There are two reasons for this during pregnancy. Firstly, oil production could be increased, making the skin shiny. " Secondly, there is no blood flow through small blood vessels on the face of ".

"some women have a slight itching in the womb and breasts than skin is stretches." However, some women have itching and redness around their bodies "This could be a sign of complications in pregnancy." If the itching is severe, please contact your service provider.

Line or ring of the womb of women.Some get a dark line that your abdomen or around the navel in the second quarter. These women really had this line all the time. It was not until the formal name very vague in this line of black line that does not go away within a few months of giving birth.

Stretch marks.
Stretch marks are a sign of pregnancy a woman wants to avoid. It's stretch marks in reddish skin, purple or brown. "During pregnancy, many women have grooves on her abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks and thighs, even." occurs when the production of collagen (the Builder of the skin under the skin) is altered due to rapid growth. Once you get stretch marks fade in a pale silvery colour, while it will never disappear "Although the market of the cream to avoid the stretch marks.
seems little you can do to avoid entirely (although some women swear by stretch marks cream)." "There are several techniques to eliminate or reduce stretch marks after his appearance, although you should speak with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon."

Darkening of the skin. "Dark some women experience the skin in-depth.". Which is more prominent in moles, freckles, the areola (nipple), lips and the changes of the thighs "skin should disappear after childbirth, although not altogether may disappear".

Marks on the skin. "This is a small growth or cover that protrudes from the skin." they can form anywhere, despite the fact that they usually form in the neck, chest, Axilla or clothes rub skin "Them do not disappear after childbirth, however." Your service provider may be able to remove for you.

Spider veins. "The spider's stains red in color with a red line out of them." usually occur on the face, neck, chest or arms. "they should weaken or disappear completely after having her baby." during childbirth may be appearing on the face or the white of the eyes part, because that encourages the veins of weight "spider veins are also known as nevus."

severe itching during pregnancy may be a sign of complications in pregnancy.

Quick Council:
If you have any questions or concerns about changes in the skin, consult your service provider.