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Tumor Fibroid Uterus

Posted By On 8:05 AM Under ,

Uterine fibroid tumor, also called myomas, leiomyomas fibromyomas and, most often found in women of childbearing years. "These tumors are not cancer occurs in as many as three out of four women, but the tumor creates a problem only one out of four. Uterine fibroid tumors are almost never develop into cancer and is not associated with an increased risk of cancer. "Fibroid tumors can be individual, but often occurs in bulk. "Here is some information that will help you to better understand uterine fibroid tumors:

Indications that you may have a fibroid tumor. "The following signs may indicate the presence of uterine fibroid tumors:

Heavy menstrual bleeding
Unusually long menstrual periods
Bleeding in between periods
Pain or pressure in the pelvic area or back or legs
Abdominal swelling
Urinary Incontinence
Frequent urination or urine retention
Pain during intercourse

Location of fibroid tumors. "The location of uterine fibroid tumors will affect the signs and symptoms.

Fibroids in the cavity of the uterus (submucosal fibroids) are believed to be responsible for prolonged, heavy menstrual bleeding.

Fibroids that grow outside the uterus (subserosal fibroids) can put pressure on your bladder or ureter, causing urinary symptoms you experience. "

If the fibroids grow in the direction of your back, can create pressure on the rectum, which can manifest as constipation or on your spinal nerves, which can manifest as back pain.

Factors associated with the growth of fibroids. "The following factors increase the likelihood of developing uterine fibroids:

Getting your period before age 10
It never gave birth to a child
African American ethnicity

The size of fibroid tumors. "The size of uterine fibroid tumors vary from woman to woman. "Some are small enough that they can not be seen with the eye 'naked while others may be larger than the entire abdominal area.

The reason for fibroids. "Why fibroids occur is still not fully understood, but it is generally believed that progesterone and estrogen, two female sex hormones, promote the growth of fibroids. "Fibroids do not develop before menstruation and almost never develop or continue to grow after the menopause. "

Possible complications. "If you realize the symptoms of fibroids, it is best to consult your doctor for treatment options. "Although women can live with uterine fibroid tumors throughout their lives without manifesting symptoms, complications that may occur are: '

Sometimes fibroids can overcome the blood supply and begin to die. "'The product side of the dying fibroid can seep into surrounding tissue.

A fibroid is pedunculated fibroid that hangs by stalk either within or outside the uterus and can lead to pain such as fibroids move around the stem.

If fibroids cause you to bleed excessively, you may experience anemia due to blood loss.
Fibroids can cause infertility, miscarriage, or in case of pregnancy, preterm labor or birth.

If you have experienced a sharp pain all of a sudden, you should seek medical help immediately: "Sometimes, uterine fibroid tumors may require emergency surgery." Otherwise, uterine fibroid tumor treatment options vary, depending on your age, size of fibroid tumor and your desire to have children.